Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

ost breeders and mate kicaumania hardly

ost breeders and mate kicaumania hardly ever glanced sparrow (burger) as a breeding bird commodities. The price is low, also easilyituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA search for natural catchment burger, making this bird as "stripped" from the list of eligible breeding birds. But if we want to think about the future, also be read business opportunity, actually breeding burger has bright prospects.
sparrow breeding

Sparrows breeding in Britain.


One of the reasons why captive burger has bright prospects are most owners use the birds chirping sparrow as the bird master. In addition, as described in the article Caring for masteran sparrow, the burgers were maintained since lolohan will become more docile and more diligent when mature sound.

Currently prices are diligent sparrow sound could reach Rp 100,000. If diligent sound, at once benign, the price would be much more expensive. If any owner of a bird chirp use more than 1 fish burger (thus giving the sound effects such as sparrows sparrows fighting or mating), of the more birds breeding results that can be sold.

More than that, even above all, sparrows breeding since now is anticipating that the sparrow population in the wild is maintained. Because the name of bird species, if it is constantly taken from nature. and never offset by captivity, one point would be extinct.

How to start breeding sparrows?

There are two ways you can do to start breeding burger. First, as other bird species breeding, you have to set up a breeding cage, equipped with a nest box, and then buy the prospective parent, perform pairing, until finally the parents mating and producing.
sparrow eat at the feeder

A group of sparrow eating feed from the feeder at the home page.

The second way, as is often done in the European community, simply provide a nest box in the yard or the yard. Every morning and evening, especially people 
SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesian the UK often put a bird feeder containing food near the nest box. Sparrow in Europe could be a tree sparrow and house sparrow often come into the yard, even go into the nest box when they wanted to breed.

Then, how it was implemented in Indonesia? How to lure wild sparrow to want to go over and play around our yard?

If you have a walnut, the walnut spread the feed around the yard, so look there are 1-2 tailed sparrow stopped by the page. After viewing the feed, usually some time later they will come along with a group that number could reach tens of tail.

Sparrow is a bird species most easily found in both urban and rural. Although in the neighborhoods, if you look, this bird is always there and usually perch on wires and electric poles, wires and telephone poles, or it could also infiltrates into the holes terraced houses.

If there are already groups of burgers that come to the home page, as inducement feed walnuts, you can start placing nest boxes around the page. For example, affixed to the outside wall of the house, or in other parts of the page. Do keep fishing canary feed, because the burger with the instincts already know that at this point the feed available.

When about to breed, they will naturally go into the nest box that has been provided. Here are some models of nest boxes that can be used f
Form of nest boxes used

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Daaweynta ee fasalka B: gooyaa jirid miro spanjang siman secra

 Daaweynta ee fasalka B: gooyaa jirid miro spanjang siman secra 1 cm. Sargaal siman oo dhan 1 cm. Diyaarso la hir-bac caag ah. Fasalka B miro squash waxaa inta badan lagu iibiyo suuqa dhaqameed.

ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAQayb In macluumaadka ku saabsan beerista of squash, waxaa laga yaabaa in ay faa'iido leedahay.XASILOONIDA of squash waxaa loo sameeyaa si aad u awoodid warshad squash afkoda ku koraan si toos ah heyno in hana dacaayad u sariirood kale oo ka dhexgalin dhirta kale. Geedi socodka ah ee ku qabanaya squash ul waa in aanay noqon mid xooggan inuu ka tago meel bannaan oo qaar ka mid ah wareegsan afkoda dhirta squash koray meel iyo bergerak.Gambas ama squash (acutangula Luffa, qabiil bocorka-Labuan ama Cucurbitaceae), waa badeecooyin khudradda yaryar. Xeebeedka waxaa badanaa laga sameeyaa in dayrka ama qaybo ka mid ah beeraha in lama isticmaalo dalagyo kale. Gambas goostay marka midhaha waa dhallinyarada iyo kaymo, sida khudradda ah.
Oyong weli sekerabat leh belustru (aegyptica Luffa).

1 Habitat
2 Benefits
3 Tixraacyada
4 links External

SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya IndonesiaAsal ahaan ergeyga si fudud ku nool meel kasta. Dhirta waxa ka mid ah canabkiinna, taas oo u baahan cimilada qalalan, helitaanka biyo ku filan oo dhan xilli ciyaareedkan. Jawi fiican ee dhirta si ay u koraan squash waa in uu heerkulka 18-240C, iyo huurka ah ee 50-60%. Si aad u hesho natiijooyinka aan fiicnayn, dhirta, kuwaas oo u baahan ciidda in uu yahay bacrin ah, friable, dad badan oo ka kooban humus, beraerasi oo si fiican waadna heensatay, iyo leedahay pH ah 5.5 si 6.8. Wareegtadaan ayaa ugu fiican in beerista of squash waa nooc ka mid ah dhoobo bacaadka ah, tusaale ahaan latosol ciidda, Saciid Max, cas iyo podzolic huruud ah. [1]
Squash haleelaan si duqsiyo weerar cayayaan caleen, armyworms, siisay ciidda, duqsigu miro, engeeg, wax xagta oo budada ah, anthracnose, miyaad bakteeriyo iyo virus Muuse. [1]Benefit
Squash la rumaysan yahay in lagu dhimo heerka sonkorta dhiigga, oo laga isticmalo by dadka of West Java Haj ka hor. Waxtarka laga helay content cucurbitasin in miraha. Ma aha oo kaliya berkasiat for diabetes, sida squash daaweeyo cudurka, cudurka bararka mindhicirku ku dhasho, neefta in ay kordhiyaan caanaha naaska (caanaha naaska). [2] Oyong sidoo kale la qaaday si looga hortago hargab, nafiso arthritis, murqo xanuun, iyo kan caadiga ah wareegga caadada. Oo hilibkii in lagaa masaxo karaa maqaarka in laga takhaluso unugyada dhintay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, caawintaas aan la baarayaa ilaa hadda. [3]

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Cutubka VIII: Dayactirka god

Cutubka VIII: Dayactirka godWaxaa ku jira maamulka biyaha ee beerta, taas oo hoos ku noocyada boholo baxa dheecaan kaas oo ujeedadiisu tahay in daadi biyaha-Franchise-xejiyaan, sidaa darteed content biyaha ee 20-25% daryeelay oo leh qoto dheer biyaha ee ku saabsan 60 cm kedar la yidhaahdo
Cutubka IX: Miraha Harvest

BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Kala hadal nidaamka for goosashada, oo ay ku jiraan hawlaha kala jejebiyey asliga ah (prunning), iyada oo qalab goosashada, goobaha nidaamka ka mid ah kaabayaasha gaadiidka, kuwaas oo dhammaantood ka go'an in uu gaaro wax soo saarka ee rucubood oo midho daray ah (FFB) oo leh heerar sare oo saliid ah / dhalidda sare , iyo asidha lacag la'aan ah kuwaas oo aan in ka badan 3%
Sida loo daryeel ama daaweyn of Palm Oil. Palm saliid waxaa hore geedka u baahan daaweynta in soo saari doontaa wax soo saarka ugu badan. Daaweynta oo saliid ah oo timir ah waxay u baahan tahay feejignaan halis ah, sababtoo ah sida caadiga ah, haddii aan markaas loo dayactiro soo saarka saliidda sidoo kale guud ahaan xoogaa sidaas faa'iido ah waa la dhimi doonaa (no ugu badnaan). Laakiin, inkastoo ay caadi ahaan at qiimaha nafaqeeyo weyn laakiin natiijada ay sidoo kale noqon karaan.

Waxyaabaha - wax u baahan in la tixgeliyaa in daaweynta beeraha saliidda waa:a. QiimahaIn raadinaya daawaynta ee waa in hab in uu keeno kharash yar oo laakiin natiijada daaweynta ugu badnaan.
b. Sida loo daryeelo

Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya Meelaha qaarkood waa in loola dhaqmo si ka duwan sida aagga of peat loo baahan yahay micro-nafaqooyinka sida cu iyo fe iyo sidoo kale in lagu sameeyo baxa dheecaan u wanaagsan, halka celceliska ah ee aagga of macdanta iyo tan laga yaabaa in aanay daruuri noqon.
c. Adoption of technologyQalabka selalau Beeraha ka gudubtay Buuggan in ay si farsamaysan iyo Sida caadiga ah si farsamaysan kordhin doonaa soo saarka si ay qiimaha jaban tahay noqon doonaa. Sidaas had iyo jeer technology ugu dambeeyay ee search for nooca ku haboon qaar ka mid ah technology ugu dambeeyey beeraha ma ku habboon yahay in loo isticmaalo in ay la kumeen ahaa saliid oo timir ah.
Sida loogu talagalay dayactirka ama daryeelka dhirta timirta ah waxay yihiin:
1. Haramaha XakameyntaHaramaha waa in la kantaroolo ee Cocao saliid calaacasha waa caws class A sida thatch, baasaboorka, muuska, carruurta alwaax, senduduk iyo dadka kale - dadka kale. Sida loo xakameeyo haramaha calaacasha aad wax dheeraad ah ka akhriyi kartaa atBacriminta calaacasha Dibuthkan waa HOL / ZA, qooy / KCl, Dolomite / Kieserite, RP/TSP/SP-36 iyo borate iyo Cuprum iyo ferrite. More laga heli karaa 3. CaleemahaIn wax penunasan in la ogaado waa tirada midrib ah.a. Palm Cocao saliid da'doodu u <9 sano tunasan songgo waa 3b. Oo geedo timireed ayaa Oil da'doodu u 9-15 sano tunasan songgo 2c. Cocao saliid Palm da'doodu u> 15 sano tunasan s
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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Perlengkungan System Tassel

Perlengkungan System Tassel Arch crops in principle as arch back and forth, but when the end of the crop has reached 30 cm above the soil surface immediately cut. The cuts will encourage the growth of new shoots more, then curved upward to form like a tassel.
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online TerpercayaPlant Nurseries In Vanilla 1.Seleksi Seed · Type of economically vanilla planifolia Andrews is Vanilla, Vanilla tahitensis JW. Moore, Vanilla pompano · Terms generative seeds: pure, have properties similar to the parent; pure, not mixed with the seeds of poor quality; seeds in fresh and healthy condition; vegetative seed: mother plants healthy and old enough, has issued a strong vine branches, not the parent plant or not to bear fruit. 2.Penyiapan Seed · Seed generative derived from the seeds of superior · Seed vegetatively by cuttings, rooting cuttings can accelerate soaked HORMONIK (1-2 cc / liter) was then allowed to wither rather newly planted and watered NASA POC (2-3 ttp) + HORMONIK (1 ttp) per 10 liters of water · Tissue Culture 3.Persemaian Seed Seeds sown in sandy soil so that the roots are easy to grow. Seeding should shady place. http://multiply.com/mu/worldplant/image/tlkIbdmzNg1xumTBPbGfhg/photos/1M/300x300/900/3.Bibit-Stek.JPG?et=R3MVrdU3JSXbY4AI1fAJGg&nmid=0 4.Pemeliharaan Nursery / Nursery Watering every day, should not be too wet. Seedlings were removed ugly. Every once a week spray with NASA POC (2-3 cap) + HORMONIK (1 cap) per tank (14-17 liters). 5.Pemindahan Seed Transplanting seedlings to the field depending on the origin, ie the seeds around the age of 1-2 months cuttings, seedlings seeds a long time.
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Planting / Removal of Seed · Planting in the middle of the beds, monoculture · Make the planting hole near the plant enforcement a length, width and in between 20x15x10 cm, 25x20x12 cm and 30x25x15 cm · Planting cuttings by inserting three segments entirely into the hole so that the roots grow horizontally fast and perfect · Close the dugouts were mixed with manure · Cuttings top seeds buried in the soil that are not tied to tree climbing with loose ties · When planting good seed cuttings at the start of the rainy season. While the cuttings to be planted should be left / withered during the first 4-7 days and the base of the cuttings seeds soaked in POC NASA / HORMONIK (1-2 cc / liter) + Natural GLIO to avoid spoilage. http://multiply.com/mu/worldplant/image/MWLSbQvyA+SFj4EUhieZRw/photos/1M/300x300/901/9.Siap-Tanam.JPG?et=G3N5zK98KmwkBCVo%2BalVhA&nmid=0 Image: Seedlings nursery to be moved Vanilla Plant Maintenance

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Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

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Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Preparation plot for acclimatization

 Preparation plot for acclimatization
A few days before the stocking of milkfish milkfish , map acclimation well prepared , bund is lined with soft ground , equipped with a roof made ​​of bamboo lattice . At the foot of the embankment section peneneran berm should be given , in order to facilitate the duty officer or ponds located closer to the water border . Berm has two (2 ) kinds of purposes, the venue for the rectification of leakage, seepage in the dike and hold landslide - landslide of embankment . Dried and subsequently map the basic plot smoothing is done

Agen bola agen99bet.com berhadiah samsung s4 tiap bulan depo 20rb    made primarily to tilt toward the door as long as the soil is not hard water ( still wet ) . Can be used for land leveling rake of wood , and can also use a rather long boards that are driven by two or three persons . Leg holes closed , because the possibility to use a place to hide wild fish or eggs can survive for drying during preparation .
Figure 2 . Garu

Caption 2 :
A. Board rakes
B. The shaft of wood or bamboo
Culture natural foods
The most ideal food of milkfish seed and spindles are klekap , which is a collection of diatomaceous basic , blue algae , inverterbrata low level , 200 plankton , are also required to complete the nutritional value of food . Larger logs and a length of 80 mm , it can eat algae or moss green yarn ( chaetomorpha sp . , Entormorpha sp . , And Cladophora sp . ) .
Klekap culture in the dry season
The dry season is the best time and is suitable for growing klekap as natural food . Once the plot is complete perataannya then allowed to dry until the soil cracks . The drying time is expected for 2-3 weeks depending on the original tenah . Success or failure in growing klekap good and hold it to the base firing depending on the degree of dryness . Unbalanced drying or drying will result in less than perfect klekap are easily separated from the soil and eventually float . When the opposite happens , too long drying so that the surface layer of soil drought , then there is a condition that is very unlikely to klekap growth . Drying is considered sufficient if the water content of soil layer thickness of approximately 10 cm was approximately 18-20 %
UBCPOKER.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya. A practical thing to mengetahinya is to walk on the dried soil . When the land is strong enough to withstand those that only go down ( sink ) of about 2 cm , the weight of the person is considered to have enough soil drying .